Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Miss Cellania's Links

Skunk Research Review. What is it that makes them so smelly?

How the Star Trek Punch Became the Worst Fight Move on TV. A Star Trek stunt coordinator explains why they continue to use the double-handed punch.  (via Metafilter) 

6 Ways Game of Thrones has Changed the Real World. Even those who don't watch it know the characters as cultural metaphors.

The Only Thing Worse than Watching an Offensively Bad Comedy is Watching One You Supposedly Wrote. A.J. Via got a movie deal and lost all control of the finished product.

To Fight Smallpox in the Spanish Colonies, King Charles IV Sent a Ship on a Vaccination Mission in 1803. The expedition included 22 orphans carrying the fresh vaccine in their bodies to keep it safe enough to last the voyage around the world.

7 Fictional Workplace Floor Plans. Bizdaq presents the floor plans of Dunder Mifflin, Moe's Tavern, Central Perk, Paddy’s Pub, Sterling Cooper, and the comic book store from The Big Bang Theory.

For Centuries, People Celebrated a Little Boy’s First Pair of Trousers. Once he was toilet-trained and could dress himself, he could become a real boy.

What A Doctor Calls A Condition Can Affect How We Decide To Treat It. A familiar terms carries a lot of baggage, while a new term will encourage patients to just follow doctor's orders.

This Cosplayer Transforms Himself into Real Life Versions of Disney Heroes

The first new Tomb Raider poster is a Photoshop disaster.


  1. Do you think it could be easy because all Disney heroes (and heroines) look the same?

  2. They do look a lot alike. But Stryker still manages to capture the differences between them with makeup.
