Monday, August 14, 2017

Miss Cellania's Links

Is a Man-Made Diamond Still a Diamond? 

The basic assumption of tax reform is wrong. If history is any guide, raising taxes on the rich is the way to go.

Every Movie Poster Saul Bass Ever Designed, from Champion in 1949 to Schindler's List in 1993.  (via Metafilter)

Here's Your Crash Course on College Football for 2017. Catch up on everything you should know before the first kickoff.

The Teenager Who Stole Queen Victoria’s Panties. Edward Jones made a reputation for himself by sneaking into the royal palace.

The Stories Behind TV Production Company Closing Logos. The few seconds of video has no other purpose than to serve as a signature.

Fast Times at Ridgemont High 35 years later. Writer Cameron Crowe and director Amy Heckerling reminisce about the film that launched a dozen careers.

Adam Ellis is coming to the realization that his apartment building is haunted. Even his cats know someone is there at midnight.

The Surprising Origins of Kotex Pads. No one wanted to manufacture a product that couldn't be advertised.

America's Health Care System Kills People—But It Doesn't Have to Be This Way


  1. To hell with Hershel, he done run over my dog.
    Good morning Miss C.

  2. Good job Mr. Governor. You just ruined Christmas.

    Afternoon Miss C.
