Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Dutch Oven

(via Bad Menu)


  1. Joe, "dutch oven" is slang for farting in bed, under the sheets, specifically to annoy your bed partner. I'd link to urban dictionary, but their examples are pretty gross.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I thought it was the incongruity of a restaurant named "Dutch Oven" with big Canadian flags on the marquee/sign and in the window.

  4. Yeah, I'd never heard of the slang thing but I think it's funny for a "Dutch" bakery to have two Canadian flags.

  5. By the way. Miss C —

    While a "Dutch Oven" may now be a colloquial term for the indelicate and offensive conduct you described, a 'dutch oven' originally was a thick-walled cooking pot, usually made of seasoned cast iron, with a tight-fitting lid; items like these have been used as cooking vessels for hundreds of years. In English speaking countries other than the United States they are called casserole dishes ('casserole' means 'pot' in French), and cocottes in French.  It is possible to bake foods on an open fire, after a fashion, in these cooking utensils by banking hot coals around the pot and letting the cast-iron walls radiate the heat to whatever was inside.
