Monday, June 26, 2017

Miss Cellania's Links

Hotter Than a Burnin' Stump (It's a Texas Thing). They take their chili very seriously.

Look Who Caught a Record-setting Salmon. (via Metafilter)

5 mind-blowing things about the GOP's 'Better Care' act. Get ready for a big financial hit -unless you're rich.

Do Giraffes Get Struck by Lightning More Than Other Animals? They do kind of look like lightning rods.

Masabumi Hosono survived the Titanic, but not the public’s scorn. As the only Japanese aboard, he drew publicity just for getting into a lifeboat.

How a Star Wars Superfan Scoured the Earth for Space Debris. Brandon Alinger started building his own lightsaber when he was 12, and now is the world's premiere collector of authentic Star Wars props.

Crowdfunding doesn’t help everyone. In fact, it doesn’t help most people. 

In addition to developing the telephone, Alexander Graham Bell did extensive research in aerodynamics. From 1898 to 1912, he experimented with a tetrahedral structure for kites to lessen the weight-to-surface ratio to enable humans to fly. (via Nag on the Lake)

7 Everyday Experiences Other Countries Do Waaay Differently. In this list, "other countries" include Los Angeles and Florida.

The Forgotten Man Who Transformed Journalism in America. Lowell Thomas was the first superstar journalist of the broadcast era.

1 comment:

  1. Rental properties have fridges provided in most parts of the US? Amazing!
