Friday, June 23, 2017

Miss Cellania's Links

10 Services You Never Knew You Needed. Let the professionals help you out!

Barack Obama Blasts The ‘Fundamental Meanness’ Of The Senate GOP Healthcare Bill. Four GOP Senators Are Vowing To Oppose The Newly Revealed Healthcare Bill. 

How a Star Wars Superfan Scoured the Earth for Space Debris. Brandon Alinger started building his own lightsaber when he was 12, and now is the world's premiere collector of authentic Star Wars props.

95-Degree Days: How Extreme Heat Could Spread Across the World. The number of extremely hot days for your area could triple in the coming decades.

Encyclopedia Dad. A boy discovers the wisdom his father left him. You might need a hankie.

How a Soviet Circus Clown Tried to Prove That Dogs Can Be Psychic. Research on Vladimir Durov's telepathy indirectly led to The Men Who Stare at Goats.
Man told he can't wear shorts to office, abides by the dress code for women instead. Joey Barge's mini-dress led to a change in dress code during the heat wave. (via Boing Boing

John Oliver dared a coal exec to sue him, and now he's being sued. (via Boing Boing)

5 Reality Shows That Screwed Over Their Contestants.

How Accusing A Powerful Man of Rape Drove A College Student To Suicide


  1. Normal is boring. The trick is to not let people
    know how really weird you are until it's too
    late for them to back out.

    Happy Friday Miss C.

  2. Encyclopedia Dad sure kicked up a lot of dust.
