Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Miss Cellania's Links

Oklahoma and Texas Look Almost Like a Cooking Pan. Scientists use analytical tools to prove it.

Will Robots Take Your Job? An interactive site invites you to enter your occupation and find out what the future holds. (via The Daily Dot)

7 TV Characters Killed Off Out of Spite.

The Unlikely Comeback Of The Drive-In Movie. Low prices and nostalgia are making them worthwhile again.

The Gutsy Scottish Woman Who Climbed an African Mountain. Born in 1750, Lady Anne Barnard was way ahead of her time.

It Now Takes an Average of 21 Years to Pay for College. Those are years that people aren't buying homes or saving for retirement.

When ‘Bad King John’ Lost The British Crown Jewels. He shouldn't have taken them into battle with his other luggage.

How the Self-Esteem Craze Took Over America. Despite a lack of research, the idea swept the nation and never went away. (via Metafilter)

The 20th-century war on women's swimwear. Just showing the outline of one's body was a scandal, or even a crime.

13 Sweet Facts About Cherries. A delightful treat since the caveman days. 


  1. Miss C is like a cherry, ripe and beautiful on the outside, in spite of the pit inside. I hope the pit will shrink.
