Friday, May 19, 2017

Miss Cellania's Links

10 Times Connecting the Dots Went Awry. Correlation does not mean causation.

A Short History Of Presidential Obstruction Of Justice.

The 2017 Shed of the Year finalists have been announced, and you can vote for your favorite shed here. See photos of the finalists at the Guardian, but be warned that the most interesting sheds are from the contest category called #Notashed. (via Metafilter)

What’s Your American Dream Score? This Quiz Will Tell You.

On display in a jar at the University of Lisbon’s Faculty of Medicine, the head of Diogo Alves is remarkably well-preserved, looking much like he must have when he was last alive -in 1841. 

What was the Biggest Movie From the Year You Were Born? This list has the Best Picture winner, the box office champ, and the critics choice for each of the last 100 years.

The True Story Behind Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler and Her Mixed-Up Files. The E.L. Konigsburg children's book was released fifty years ago.

19 Real Customer Service Horror Stories. Everyone has at least one, but these are awful.

How Better Call Saul fixed Breaking Bad's Skyler Problem. And along the way, revealed how ethically compromised the audience is.

The True Stories Behind 11 Famous Sideshow Performers. They went on display for money, but each had a real life and real story.


  1. OK Miss C. Here's today's joke. I read the American
    Dream article and was intrigued enough to take the test.

    My score of 63 means I've had many factors working in
    my favor, but several I've had to overcome.

    OK. Fair enough. But then:

    If my life had a soundtrack, it might include Believe
    by Justin Bieber, as a nod to what it has taken to get
    where are I am today.

    Oi! Thought I was gonna frickin die when I read that.
    Not enough introductory questions I think.

    Happy Friday!

  2. I don't recall what my score was, but the song was "Dancing in the Streets" by Martha and the Vandellas.
