Thursday, May 11, 2017

Miss Cellania's Links

What's in a Name? Many of your favorite fictional characters have names you didn't know.

7 Discoveries That Started as School Assignments.

When Science and the Occult Went Head-to-Head on a German Mountaintop. Harry Price went to the Brocken to perform a magic spell that was supposed to change a goat into a boy.

The Doomsday Glacier. A nuts-and-bolts look at what climate change is already doing to us.

Up to 7000 Former Mental Institution Patients are Buried Beneath a Mississippi Medical Center.

That Weird Credit in Fargo. Was Prince really in the movie?

The Woman Who Stood Between America and an Epidemic of Birth Defects.

Make Sankey Diagrams with Sankeymatic.

For a long time, 350 degrees was the most common oven temperature in cook books. What was the thinking behind that?

The Tale of the Toad and the Bearded Female Saint


  1. Good morning Miss C.. Hope you're doing well.

  2. Good morning, Bruce! I'm heading out to Minnesota today to fetch Gothgrrl. I have posts scheduled, but not as many as I'd like for the next few days.

  3. Thanks again, this time you saved me $140 a year on hearing aid batteries.

  4. I was old enough in '62 to remember the thalidomide crisis. It had an unintended effect of spurring the legalization of abortion in the US. Sherry Finkbine was on the cover of LIFE magazine--well read everywhere in the US at the time.
