Friday, March 31, 2017

Miss Cellania's Links

The Movie Elvis Did with Mary Tyler Moore. Change of Habit was his last film.

21 Famous Movie Scenes with the Added Benefit of Photoshop.

Designing Lessons from Cats. While this motivational article is about designers, it could apply to any worker. (via Metafilter)

The Old Man Who Claimed to Be Billy the Kid. Ollie “Brushy Bill” Roberts convinced quite a few people he was the famed outlaw.

These Fish Inject Predators With Opioid Venom and That's Not Even the Coolest Part. The tiny fangblennie is impressing evolutionary scientists with its tiny teeth.  

Freemasonry Forsaken: 16 Abandoned Masonic Lodges, Temples and Halls. Secret societies can't fill a big man cave anymore.

The Myth of Professional Beggars Spawned Today’s Enduring Stereotypes. If the undeserving poor were punished enough, they'd stop being poor.

Alex Yeatts created what appears to be natural geodes, but they're entirely edible chocolate and rock sugar! It took him six months to perfect the technique. 

The secret monopoly behind America's outrageous drug prices. Martin Shkreli is more the rule than the exception.

Bare Skin! 'Hussies'! Miss America's Scandalous Beginnings.


  1. If life was fair, Elvis would be alive and all
    the impersonators would be dead. -Johnny Carson

    If he was alive today he would've been on
    Dancing With the Stars by now, so he's
    probably better off.

    Happy Friday Miss C.

  2. Thanks Miss C. I meant to note a couple of other things
    but it was a bad day at black rock today.

    The Photoshop link was hilarious. Thanks. I sent that
    to my girls and they loved it. Harry Potter is the
    unanimous winner.

    I love western history and the Billy the Kid story is
    an old controversy. A couple of links on that:

