Friday, February 24, 2017

Siberian Tigers Take Down Drone

These well-fed tigers live at the Harbin Siberian Tiger Park in Heilongjiang Province, China. A quadcopter was sent in to get some footage of the cats in the snow. But the cats chased the drone just like any prey, and actually caught it! They soon found out it didn't taste good, and it wasn't quite dead, either. the staff was able to recover the drone and the footage. (via Gizmodo)

1 comment:

  1. hate to be the downer guy--but there is some controversy
    The video of about a dozen hefty Siberian tigers chasing and batting a flying drone from the sky seemed a lighthearted reprieve from the more serious news of the day. But since sharing the footage, we've become aware that it may conceal a darker story.
