Friday, January 20, 2017

Miss Cellania's Links

A History of Pepsi Cola. Eddie Deezen has the story.

This is how American health care kills people. Matthew Stewart had insurance, but still owes $62,668.78 while he fights for his life.

A Definitive Ranking of Fast-Food French Fries.

Possible Consequences of Writing Poetry.

Speaking of poetry, My Name is Cow.

A Really Cool Collection Of Wintry Cosplay Photos

A Look Back at Some of the Worst, Wildest Inaugurations in Presidential History.


  1. Is everything okay? You've been down to just a few links the past couple of days, which makes me wonder if you've caught the creeping crud like everyone else or are "just" stunned by the furor in the national scene right now.

    Hope you're okay!

  2. I've had a death in the family. I will write about it when I can.

  3. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that, MIss C. You are in my heart.
