Tuesday, June 07, 2016

That’s a Good Dog

Bretagne, pronounced Brittany, was one of the search and rescue dogs charged with looking for survivors at Ground Zero fifteen years ago. She and her handler, Denise Corliss, responded to the call from their home in Texas, where they both had just completed training. I reported on Bretagne's return trip to New York City last year. Warning: you may need a hankie for this video.

At age 16, the golden retriever was suffering the effects of old age, and was taken to the vet one last time on Monday. She got a hero’s salute from firefighters and emergency responders when she walked into the Fairfield Animal Hospital in Harris County, Texas. They were also there when her body was carried out, draped in an American flag. Bretagne was the last of the 9/11 search and rescue dogs. She would have turned 17 in August. (via reddit)

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