Friday, June 10, 2016

Miss Cellania's Links

Big Bottoms. They’re talking about the oceans.

How Donating Your Body to Science Works. Imagine how much a medical student can learn from your remains.

23 Tweets That You Won’t Be Able To Stop Laughing At. Everyday life can be just plain ridiculous.

10 Female Comedy TV Writers To Watch. You might just end up with a new favorite series.

The most important class I ever took: Rock-and-roll history. It’s more inclusive than history and more useful than calculus.

The Scientists Behind the Movies. The mad scientist figures are often modeled after real people.

The Man Seized by Four Armies. (via reddit)

At Profiles Theatre the drama—and abuse—is real. (via Metafilter)

Sunspring is a short science fiction film written by an artificial intelligence program. It’s only eight minutes long, but it will confuse you in every one of those minutes.

The true grit of Hillary Clinton. Few people ever worked as hard, for as long, and fought through as much, in order to get there. 

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