Friday, December 24, 2021

CBS 1966 Christmas Message

CBS had this sweet Christmas greeting ton air in 1966. It was designed by R.O. Blechman, animated by Willis Pyle, with music by Arnie Black. (via The Kid Should See This)


  1. Going back in time (to the late 1980s), it was never Christmas in the Upper Midwest until this commercial was seen at least once.

    The sponsoring company was a Minneapolis-based banking company that eventually bought out and absorbed the original Wells Fargo, choosing however to retain the Well Fargo brand in place of their own.


  2. Oh, so Norwest bought out Wells Fargo and built it into the behemoth it is today.
    Thanks, I wondered what goosed WF into their growth spurt, eating up banks like crackerjacks.
    That explains why when I had a problem with them and wrote to what I thought was the headquarters in CA, they referred me to the PR department in MN.
