Monday, August 21, 2023

Roof Repair

Spotted in Shreveport, Louisiana. (via reddit)


  1. Speaking as a lifelong fan of puns and wordplay, I am embarrassed to admit that I don't get it.

  2. Would float better, Dante, if you use like, American African sort of slang (I think) ... and then you get 'Getting my hair done;.
    Least, thats as good as I can get.
    Took me a while though, if even so.

  3. Best I can figure it is along same idea of old joke "I se you gat a hair cut"
    "No i got them all cut"
    Strand - singular did with a variation of hair in betweeb.

  4. The building is getting it's hair done. It's not a pun, it's a visual joke.
