Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Miss Cellania's Links

The Birth of “Strapless Evening Gown.” Engineer Charles Seim tells us about the research that made him famous.

The Real-Life Women of Deadwood.

Mom’s Fears About Daughter Leaving For College Channeled Into Fight About Storage Bins.

The Japanese women who married the enemy. At least 30,000 women came to America after World War II and found it different from anything they knew.

The Science of Melting Cheese. (via the Presurfer)

Is post-Katrina gentrification saving New Orleans or destroying it? Ten years after the devastation, the city is not the same at all.

10 Reasons College Costs So Much. For each reason, the cost goes up another 100%.

The Problem with Supersizing Star Wars.  Disney has a new Star Wars film planned for every year, which could easily lead to brand exhaustion.

This Professor Is Living Everyone’s Dream by Being David Bowie for a Year. He’s going through Bowie’s career in dress and diet, but not in drugs.

The most joyful cat-and baby video you’ve ever seen. The baby is ecstatic to see the cat; the cat is not that impressed.

1 comment:

  1. Regarding the article about the high cost of college,

    Just before my 48th birthday, I decided to go back to college.

    I chose an online school, Western Governors University,

    It is self-paced, As long as I complete at least 12 credits a term, I can take as many or as few classes as I want. In the first year, I have completed my first 2 years of school.

    Each term is 6 months long and has a fixed price of $3500. This includes all books and fees.

    I get a Pell Grant of about $6000 a year, leaving my share at about $500 a term.

    Pretty darn cheap and efficient if you ask me.

    They are fully accredited and do Bachelor and Masters Programs. They have over 50,000 students enrolled right now.
