Thursday, June 25, 2015

Miss Cellania's Links

15 Great Works of The Little Mermaid Cosplay.

There saws a time when fashionable ladies knew how to capture attention when they came into a room -by taking up all the room! Mashable has a collection of stereocards lampooning crinoline and hoop skirt styles. (via the Presurfer)

I’m Getting Really Tired of My Mysterious Flaky Friend. (via Metafilter)

A World Without Work. We used to call it Utopia, but without a paycheck, it’s nothing like we dreamed.

Coke vs. Pepsi: The E. coli Test. Which cola do bacteria prefer?

Meet the Diehard Right Wingers Who Just Can't Quit Obamacare. You can’t argue when it’s helping everyone from the statehouse to the jailhouse.

There is a peculiar tradition among the people of Australia’s Northern Territory of dressing up termite mounds to make them look more distinctive, or at least more humorous. (via Arbroath)

Mac & Cheese Cupcakes and Other New Fair Foods. (via Buzzfeed)


  1. There are two significant problems with the Affordable Care Act: 1. the requirement that everyone purchase health insurance, regardless of ability to pay; 2. health insurance premiums that are so expensive and have such an outrageously high deductible. Now I must choose between breaking the law by not having insurance, or not buying groceries and electricity.

    If car insurance were operated like health insurance, you'd rely on your insurance to pay to change your oil, windshield wipers, and pay for new tires. But then you couldn't afford car insurance. Under this theory, homeowners insurance would replace your refrigerator and other appliances when they wore out. Everyone sees the problem with that, but no one transfers that process over to health insurance. You can opt out of homeowners insurance as soon as you pay off your mortgage. You can opt out of car insurance by not owning a car. Somehow the SCt has determined that our mere existence mandates carrying health insurance, regardless of ability to pay. YAY! Now working people can work to pay for more people sucking off the government teat.

    Using the SCt's logic on health insurance, we have opened the door to requiring life insurance: because you exist. Will we be requiring the working stiffs to fund the government coffers for that program, too?

  2. My Obamacare, after subsidies, is costing me about 10% of my income. If you cannot afford that, you probably would qualify for Medicaid, which does not have a premium.

    Unless you live in a state that refused expanded Medicaid, but that would also mean you are too poor to buy into Obamacare anyway.

    No, I cannot use my health insurance to "change my oil" because the deductible is rather high, but if I have a heart attack, my kids won't lose the house.

  3. Why should I be required to line up at the government trough that is Medicaid? If I am willing to forgo medical care because I cannot afford it, why should I be breaking the law? It is the REQUIREMENT to have health insurance that I object. I can agree that I cannot have something I cannot afford. But to say that a $400 premium with a $5000 deductible is affordable is crap. It makes no sense to purchase a product/service that I cannot use just to be compliant with the law. That's absurdity at its finest. It is wrong for the government to MANDATE that I purchase something I cannot use or seek government assistance I do not want. Yes, it would be nice to have health insurance that I can use, or medical expenses and prescriptions that were not astronomical. But it is impractical and poor fiscal planning to have the government involved in the medical care of millions.

    However, the socialist Supreme Court has spoken, so I am breaking the law. The irony is that I will have government-provided health care when I go to prison because I cannot pay the fines and will not concede to Medicaid.........I'll be sitting next to the guy who's in prison for littering, just like in "Alice's Restaurant."

  4. You could make the same argument about why you should pay taxes to fund roads when you don't have a car, or schools when you don't have a child, or the military when you don't want to fight a war. Why should we pay for anything? Because it's for the greater good, in most cases.

    I do wish the money would go directly to medical care instead of for-profit insurance companies. Europeans, Canadians, and the British seem to do just fine with their public heath systems.
