Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Miss Cellania's Links

Trouble Underfoot: Shoes and Schizophrenia. In my opinion, you’d have to be crazy to wear high heels in the first place.

How the Humane Society Got Nearly 100 Companies To Free Animals From Cages. (via Digg)

Company Sets New Minimum Wage: $70,000 a Year.  (via Metafilter)

Let lustfish tell you about the time he and a friend got drunk and had a bright idea about disposing of 55 gallons of used diapers.

The Crane that Fell in Love with Her Zookeeper. It may seem a bit creepy, but you do what you gotta do in the world of wildlife conservation. (via reddit)

A Visual Overview of Early Supercomputers.

The 15 Goofiest Animals Who Make The World A Happier Place. Just take one look and you’ll have an instant smile.

Ex Machina and Film’s New Obsession With Idealized Post-Human Women. It’s a fantasy of his power and her perfection.

These deadly diseases are making a comeback. Measles isn’t the only threat; it just gets more press.

The Lasting Gifts of the Civilian Conservation Corps. You might even have one of them in your hometown.


  1. RE: diapers. In Viet Nam that's how the US Army disposed of human waste. They burned the contents of the latrines. Cut down oil drums, some diesel, and a match. Much cheaper than building treatment plants.

  2. I bet they burned them without distributing flaming bombs all over the neighborhood!
