Friday, March 13, 2015

Developing the 2015 Macbook

Armando Ferreira described this video as “an Apple engineer explains how they developed the new 2015 Macbook and the day Tim Cook saw it for the first time.” Since it’s in Spanish, you’ll have to rely on the brilliant subtitles.

This concerns me a bit. I need to figure out which laptop to send my kid to college with. It should have the features she needs without going overboard. In other words, what other students are using. Any suggestions?

If you understand Spanish, you will probably have to watch twice, to keep the subtitles and the actual story straight. If you can neither read English nor understand spoken Spanish, you will still laugh because everyone else does.

The guy in the video is a Spanish comedian, a regular on this particular TV show. He’s telling a story about when he got a job at a seafood restaurant. The boss told him to clean out twenty paella pots. He got the brilliant idea to set them out by the sea overnight and let the surf clean them. He didn’t account for high tide, so the next morning all the pots but one were washed away, and the boss wanted him to pay for them. So he left, and never went back.

(via Viral Viral Videos)

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