Saturday, January 31, 2015

Eight Years

This kind of surprised me. I went to my login page at mental_floss by accident and saw that I've been there eight years now. The last time I looked at it, it said seven years and twelve months, which is kind of amusing.

Eight years! I never worked for the same employer that long in my entire career in radio. I've actually been posting at Neatorama for longer than that, but mental_floss was the first blog that ever paid me for posting. Neatorama and YesButNoButYes started paying when they started making money.

Of course, job longevity is a double-edged sword. Thinking of topics to write about gets harder, because when some idea comes up, I've most likely already done that post by now. And after eight years, you'd think I'd be good at it. Go figure.


  1. A Mazel Tov to you from Brooklyn! May you continue to bring us all jollity, seriousness, a a mixture of everything else for a long time. May your readership increase!

  2. You are good at it. Good enough that I visit every day.

  3. You may not be good at thinking up new subjects to write about, we only know you pick good subjects and do a hell of a job writing them.
    Thanks for keeping us amused.

  4. Congrats! Love your blog and love your wonderful sense of humor. I trust you will always find ways to be innovative!

  5. Congrats MissC. Your posts make my day.
