Friday, October 17, 2014

Australians Taste Test American Snacks

Australian folks try out some really odd foods they’ve never encountered before: aerosol cheese, dried meat sticks, and something that night be chips, but are designed to burn your tongue. Described that way, they really do sound weird, don’t they? It’s difficult to suddenly develop a taste for something you’re not used to. If you grew up in Australia and never had ranch dressing on a salad, you would have no idea what to expect from Cool Ranch Doritos. In the same vein, most Americans have never tried Vegemite. Let’s see how that goes.

(via Tastefully Offensive)


  1. The only thing worse than a video that starts itself is one you can't stop.
    Is Marmite really that bad?

  2. Once again, Ken, you are the only one having such troubles. I have no problem pausing these videos.

  3. That's not Marmite, Ken, that's Vegemite. There's a big difference! I don't like Marmite at all, but Vegemite is a staple food which you have to be given as a very young child to truly appreciate. I've never met someone who first had it as an adult and liked it.

  4. Marmite is excellent. Vegemite is a poor approximation.
