Friday, September 26, 2014

The Star-Spangled Banner Across America

The Crew is an a cappella group from, believe it or not, Canada. They describe themselves as a “certified organic all-Canadian hypoallergenic contemporary folky-pop acapolka comedy band-group/team.” To celebrate their 25th anniversary as a group, they visited 25 American landmarks to sing "The Star Spangled Banner." The banzai trip of 10,000 miles took only 12 days in a van. There are three different edits of this song (you can see them at their site), but they aren’t all that much different. How many of these places have you been to? I counted 13. I’ve got to start working on the other 12. (via Daily of the Day)


  1. 16 for me (and I'm not American).

  2. Shame no one noticed that the t shirts are printed backwards.
    The field should have been on the wearer's right breast therefore making in on the left to the observer. An oversight I am sure.
    The performance and video were excellent.

    (The field is the blue thingie with all those white thingies sprinkled on it on the US flag. One does not place a hand over ones heart while it, the National Anthem, plays (you would think our president knows this wouldn't you, but alas!) as in when the Pledge of Allegiance is being recited or heard but one stands at attention and puts the cellphone down for a minute.

  3. Maybe the shirts were printed in Canada!

    But really, so many folks today don't learn the finer points of flag and anthem protocol. Among many, it's more a case of who can out-patriot the next person.
