Monday, June 30, 2014

Then and Now

Princess turned 17 a couple of months ago. That means my cat Gogo is now 15 years old. She's still a small carpet scrap, just not a young one. I noticed she's been very affectionate with me more than anyone else, and I suppose it's because I am the only constant in her life. Since I brought her home 15 years ago, the house is a different one, the pets are all different, and the people are all different, except for me. 

Well, Princess was there when Gogo was a kitten, but she's changed an awful lot in 15 years ...more than I have! So we decided to try a "then and now" pic, with 2-year-old Princess and kitten Gogo, and a recreation we did last night.


  1. You are blessed beyond words.

  2. Wow! Both have really grown, Miss C!

  3. Love the attention to detail, with the matching clothing a facial expression. Thanks for making me smile!
