Thursday, June 16, 2022

Leon Discovers His Eyebrows

Little Leon looks to be between one and two years old, and has just figured out how to make his eyebrows move as the whole family watches in the mirror. This is one of the great joys of parenthood -watching a kid discover something new and wonderful, and trying out his talents, no matter how elementary they may be. (via Daily Picks and Flicks)


  1. Go in the bathroom and do that yourself. Really, do it right now. Also smile with your bottom teeth.

    Another good one: relax your jaw, let your lips and the skin of your whole face hang slack, stick your tongue out, cross your eyes, and twist your head left and right as fast as you can, going WAGHLABLAGHALAGHL. If it hurts your brain you're going too hard and you can dial it back a little.
