Monday, March 31, 2014

A Penguin Obstacle

A group of Emperor penguins encounter a rope across their path. What to do? They aren’t exactly high-steppers. One eventually accidentally steps on the rope and crosses without incident. That’s why he is now King Penguin. There’s also a version of this video with penguin language translated into somewhat accented English. (via Arbroath)

Miss Cellania's Links

The 14 Greatest Hoaxes of All Time.

16 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Lost

How fast can you spot a misspelled word? You might think it’s easy, but that’s just the first few levels. There are ten in the quiz called Wrod. (via b3ta)

31 April Fools’ Day Pranks to Play on Your Kids..

The Guilloché Pattern Generator makes Guilloché patterns, which you might recognize better as Sirograph patterns. (via Metafilter)

Adorable Photos of Metalheads and Their Pet Cats. And you can guess which one is more truly sinister.

35 Odd Baseball Facts That Are Too Strange To Be Made Up. Just the thing to set the mood for the 2014 season.

Some people should just stay away from the kitchen. You’ll feel better about your lack of culinary skills when you compare yourself to them.

Ford Does Donuts All Over The Lawn Of Cadillac’s Obnoxious Rich Jerk Commercial. You will relate to the parody much more than the original.

Extraterrestrials and Cows. Why do aliens have an obsession with Earth’s farm animals?

Coke + Mentos (and Nutella!)

An Italian YouTuber combines Coke and Mentos and funnels the reaction into a condom. You’ve seen it before, but he’s adding Nutella, which, I don’t know, is supposed to make it different. The reaction is what you’d expect, but his presentation is what makes the video special. Valluan provided a translation:

New, incredible experiment with Coke and Mentos! But we’re gonna try something new today: the energy and vitality of Nutella! And as always, we’re gonna use a condom, but this time it’s gonna be mango-flavored. Let’s start. First thing: let’s take some Nutella and put it on the top of the bottle, creating some kind of Nutella cap that will be fundamental for the Nutella-Coke-Mentos reaction. Good, now we open our condom and we put Mentos in it. Not just one, two or three, but five Mentos, since we found out during previous experiments that 5 is the best quantity of Mentos in terms of maximum reaction. Now we’re going to seal everything with some tape. Perfect: Nutella, Mentos… now we’re gonna let the Mentos drop on top of the Nutella, and that’s enough for… and here’s the reaction! Incredible, guys! Coke and Mentos are reacting… it’s a world record! Look at it! It’s a world record! Look at it! IT'S A MIRACLE!!! WOOOOORLD REEEECOOOOOORD!!! COKE, MENTOS AND NUTELLA WORLD RECOOOORD!!! GOOOOO ITALYYYYYY!!!!!! NUTELLA, GUYS, IT’S THE PERFECT INGREDIENT!! YEEEEEESSSS!!!!

So I still don’t know what Nutella adds to the experiment, but he likes out, almost as much as he like Italy. The real comedy comes in when you try to add English captions to the video. The audio translation is delightfully clueless. (via reddit)

Woman is Launch Pad for Baby Goats

A woman in a goat pen just wanted to watch and pet the kids. But they discovered she is perfect for climbing and jumping off! We just hope she managed to escape without too many hoof marks. (via Arbroath)

Who Will Die in the Season Finale of The Walking Dead?

We're taking a poll at Neatorama. Who do you think is going to bite the dust tonight on the season four finale of The Walking Dead? So far, Beth is the only character running in the double digits, but you can vote for more than one, or none of the above. Cast your vote now -there are only a few hours until we find out!

Wolverine The Musical

Hugh Jackman visited the Matt Edmondson Show on BBC Radio and sang about playing the part of Wolverine. The song is based on “Who Am I” from Les Miserables, with new superhero lyrics. Jackman was a good sport about it, and with a little more practice, could have pulled this off on stage in front of a crowd. (via Viral Viral Videos)

What You Wish Would Happen on The Walking Dead

This video contains spoilers if you aren’t current on The Walking Dead. College Humor calls this a “wish fulfillment” scenario -or several of them, introducing elements that would make the show even more ridiculous than it is, but we’d love to see them. I could totally believe that Michonne is 300 years old. (via Laughing Squid)

Close Call

Freddie Wong walks around, enjoying the internet on Google Glass. What could possibly go wrong? Well, considering it’s Freddie Wong, the sky is the limit! Google Glass, used for the purpose for which it was designed, can be hazardous to your health. (via Geeks Are Sexy)

Emma and Cinnamon

Emma is leading her horse, Cinnamon. Emma is two years old, but she’s already on her way to being a real horsewoman. Cinnamon is a very gentle and cooperative horse, who went on to live and work at the Nighthawk Ranch, a getaway for children with cancer, in Guffey, Colorado. Video by Emma’s father, Justin Dunn. You can see more videos of Emma taking care of horses at Daily Picks and Flicks

One Man And His Dog

A shapeshifting alien with the best of intentions has a rough landing on Earth and meets a man in a van. The man is apparently on the run from the police. Then things get really weird. If you’re in a hurry, you can skip the first two minutes, but the story is not as long as it seems. (via Digg)

The Expert

There are business people and there are engineers. They almost never overlap, but occasionally they have to deal with each other. In this sketch, an engineer gets roped into attending a corporate business meeting, where he doesn’t quite fit in. He’s the expert. This scenario hits a chord with anyone who’s been in this situation. (via Daily Picks and Flicks

The Happy Trombone Loop

Christopher Bill, a 21-year-old student at the Purchase Conservatory of Music, not only performs Pharrell William’s “Happy,” but also demonstrates the magic of looping by computer. He goes from a simple beat to sounding like a full orchestra in no time at all! If you enjoy this, there’s a ton of other Christopher Bill videos, including trombone lessons. (via reddit)

Rescued Dog is Grateful

A dog became trapped in a concrete-walled river in Romania. We don’t know how long he was there before two men hauled him out, but it was long enough for the dog to realize he was in danger.  He readily display the pure joy of being on dry land and was very appreciative of the rescue. Contrast his reaction to that of the cat in Sweden that was rescued by a sailor from under a boat. Dogs cannot hide their feelings. Cat make it an art. That’s a good dog. 

There has been much discussion about holding a grown dog by the scruff of its neck. While that isn’t the best way to handle a dog from the dog’s point of view, it is safest for a man approaching a frightened dog he doesn’t know. (via reddit)

Miss Cellania's Links

The Gunfight at the O.K. Corral.

Bibia the Cat Loves Touching Paper. cats are prone to OCD, but this seems to be an extreme case.

Just load Patatap, and start pushing letter keys. (via Metafilter)

The Real-Life Story That Inspired Up

My boyfriend took me to an ice cave in Iceland last week...

‘BaneCat’ Is Much Funnier Than It Has Any Right To Be. This cat only put up with the costume because he’s going to use it as an excuse to kill you.

20 Dad-Rock Albums You Should Learn to Love. It turns out your dad and I have the same tastes.

Bikes have evolved a long way since the penny farthing. Watch this animation take us through the history of the two-wheeler.

How Not To Load Fish On A Truck. Unless you want to smell like fish the rest of the day.

Incontrovertible Evidence Proves the First Americans Came From Asia. DNA from a 13,000-year-old child conforms it.

Fire Drill Proposal

When a firefighter loves a teacher, he just does what he’s gotta do. Justin Deierling and his buddies at the fire department in Greentown, Ohio, arranged for the local school to stage a fire drill. That was his opportunity to propose to Melissa, a teacher at the school, in front of all her students and co-workers. And the firemen had rings for all the kids, too! They got ring pops, and a thrill out of seeing their teacher do happy. See photos from the stunt at Flickr. (via The Chive)

14 Web Toys to Fill Your Day

No matter whether you stay on the internet all day working or log on to catch up on the news, it’s always nice to take a left turn for a mindless break for something different. Here are 14 more places you can go to do that, in a list I posted at mental_floss.

44 Facts About the U.S. Presidents

One fact for each president -you’ve seen these lists before, even here, but these are different facts than what you’ve heard before. John Green dishes the trivia on all our Commanders-in-Chief in the latest mental_floss video. Who knew John Tyler had 15 kids? Most of us are barely aware that he was a president! You’ll probably learn some things you never knew about other presidents, too.

A Cat and His Hammock

Timo the rag doll cat got a wonderful gift- a cat-sized hammock! But as anyone who’s ever received the gift of a hammock knows, it’s not easy to learn to negotiate those things. It’s even more difficult for a fat cat who doesn’t listen to plainly spoken instructions. But Timo keeps at it, because a hammock is a wonderful place to relax, once you get in it. You can see another video of Timo and his hammock at Laughing Squid.

Teens Migrating From Facebook To…

First it was MySpace, but that went out of style. Friendster was hot for a short time. Then teenagers caught on to Facebook. But then their parents moved in. Where to go online to network with your friends? Instagram? Snapchat? Twitter? You may be surprised to find where teens are meeting up online now. But you can check it out for yourself, in the comments section of the YouTube video Slow Motion Night Footage of Adult Male Deer Running. But if your kids are there, don’t let them know you’re watching. (via Tastefully Offensive)

Miss Cellania's Links

15 Epic Crafts Inspired by 300.

3 Epic Pun Contests (And A Few Of Their Winning Entries).

This is something I hadn’t paid much attention to, but apparently March is the biggest month for vasectomies

25 Things You Should Know About Life With A Toddler. From the time they take their first steps to the time you send them off on the preschool bus, it’s a trip through the looking glass. (via Metafilter)

Leah wanted to stand out from the crowd of job-seekers, so she made herself into a LEGO set. The unconventional resume got her a second interview, and lots of reddit karma.

19 Completely Baffling Things Americans Do. We are a weird bunch, after all.

Can’t think of a name for your boat? Here are 30 pun names others have used.

A little dog doesn’t know how little he is. And he doesn’t care when it comes to protecting the food dish from the big dog.

Is the New Star Wars Trilogy the Story of the Solo Twins and Darth Caedus? We don’t know, but here’s their story.

10 Heroic Battlefield Medics. They weren’t combatants, but they risked their lives in war just the same.

7 Walking Dead Things You (probably) Didn't Know!

Cinefix put a TV trivia list into a video so you can enjoy some really gory scenes from The Walking Dead while learning about some of the easter eggs, production notes, and trivia from the series. First, if you don’t regularly watch the series, be warned that the images can be really gross. Second, if you do watch The Walking Dead but aren’t current on season four, this does contain spoilers. I did know most of these things, because The Walking Dead is my guilty pleasure and I even participate in discussion forums about it when I have time. That and playing Doge 2048 are pretty much what I do when I’m not blogging. (via Laughing Squid)

Bluegrass Gangnam Style

I wonder how understandable the Korean is in this rendition by The Cleverlys.

Cats Playing Chess

Cats are not particularly good at chess, but don’t tell them that. They play with such enthusiasm, we’d hate to ruin their enjoyment. The humans in these matches are very forgiving about cats moving pieces the wrong way, taking too many turns, and moving their opponent’s pieces. That’s the price we pay for a friendly game with someone we know and love. (via Tastefully Offensive)

Miss Cellania's Links

Interview: Becky McKay, The Internet's Mad Cereal Baker.

Why Does Mississippi Want to Execute Michelle Byrom? You can protest the decision here.

The Marvelous Merchandising of Evel Knievel.

Haikyo: The Culture of Urban Exploration in Japan.

Berlin Iron: A Sure Sign of Patriotism.

Five Offenses That Can Land Kids (But Not Adults) In Jail. Certainly there are better ways to fix the problems. 

15 Breathtaking Illustrations Of Fairy Tales From The 1920s. They didn’t have to be simple for children to understand and appreciate them.

The Walking Disney: Your Favorite Disney Characters As Survivors On The Walking Dead. My money is on Merida as the longest survivor.

The 25 Best Sports Comedies Ever Made. A list to refer to when you want entertainment without too much heavy thinking.

How optical illusions trick your brain, according to science. The explanation of the first picture is itself worth the click.

6 Awesome April Events from All Over

The return of warm weather and the celebration of Easter give us many traditional festivals. They don’t look the same everywhere; in fact they are so different they won’t fit into any category, except they happen in April. Read about six April events in a post I wrote for mental_floss. Which of these would you jump on a plane for?

Playing Ping Pong with a Cat

The title does not mean that someone is playing table tennis against a cat. Two people are playing, and they happen to have a cat. And you know how cats are, they want to be all up in the middle of everything, especially if it involves a moving object. This cat’s name is Oreo, and she thinks she should play, too. Or rather, she thinks she should catch the ball and declare herself the winner. After watching this, I’ve decided that unless you have serious points to score, playing “with a cat” might be the most fun way to play table tennis! (via Tastefully Offensive)

A Father Daughter Debate

A Russian father and his baby daughter are having a seriously heated discussion. The little girl most likely only understands a few of the words, and she can’t reproduce them coherently, because she’s a baby. She can, however, reproduce the cadence, emphasis, and body language to an amazing degree, which is adorable. If I understood what she was arguing about, she’d have me convinced. According to the comments at reddit, he is chastising her for throwing her pancakes on the floor. That would make her side of the argument a vigorous defense. (via Daily Picks and Flicks)

Miss Cellania's Links

Adolf Hitler’s lifelong battle with stomach cramps and flatulence led him to hire a quack as a personal physician. But that was only the beginning of der Führer’s health problems.

Two new puppies meet the very patient house cat, who just happens to look like Hitler. The cat knows they are just babies, but do they have to be so rambunctious?

These Photos Show How Heroin, Cocaine, and Oxycodone Change Your Appearance Over Time. Faces can rot away even before you die.

The signs are pointing to a power grab in the Westboro Baptist Church now that Fred is dead. The new apparent leader isn’t even a Phelps.

Going crazy in solitary. If you’re not mentally disturbed going in, you are likely to be on coming out.

Mickey was a beloved coworker who passed away at age 54. This is what FedEx did at his funeral.

The application Graph TV will show you how your favorite TV show is doing in just a few seconds. See every episode, separated by season, graphed by its IMDb ratings. (via Laughing Squid)

20 Fun Facts About Our Mysterious Feline Friends.

A Most Excellent Ggoldfish.

The Genius of The Joy of Cooking.

Exotic Animals Drawn from Descriptions. The artists had never seen such a thing. (via Everlasting Blort)

12 Chinese Travel Tips for Visiting America.

What Medieval Europe Did with Its Teenagers. (via Digg)

Corgi Orgy. (via Everlasting Blort)

10 Things You Might Not Know About Police Academy on Its 30th Anniversary. It’s been a long time, but these trivial facts will bring it all back.

12 Totally Bizarre, Gross Remedies From Old Medical Texts. The threat of having to be treated with these is enough to make you stop complaining about whatever ails you.

99 Clever Ways To Transform A Boring Dresser. And you’ll still be able to get $10 out of it at a yard sale later.

This Cheetah Knows How To Make A Dramatic Entry. He may be an apex predator, but he’s a curious as a house cat when a car drives up.

How to upgrade your mac and cheese. Comfort food can go gourmet, with a little tweaking.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

I Gotta Bluegrass Feeling

Do you like your Blackeyed Peas with a side of cornbread? More Bluegrass fun from The Cleverlys.

Pushing the Truck

A truck hauling an excavator ran out of gas. What to do? They could have siphoned some gas from the excavator and put it in the truck. They could have offloaded the excavator and driven it to a gas station. Or they could have offloaded the excavator and used it to push the truck. But why do all that, when you can just push without offloading? This scene was recorded somewhere in Turkey.

My husband, a former truck driver, expressed some concern about the truck’s lack of brakes and steering without a running motor. He would have gone with the siphoning of the gas. (via Daily Picks and Flicks)

Suor Cristina on The Voice

The Singing Nun has her Sister Act together! Sister Cristina Scuccia, a 25-year-old nun from Comiso, Sicily, sang Alicia Keys’ hit song “No One” on the Italian version of the TV show The Voice. All four celebrity judges liked what they heard enough to send her to the next level. When they turned around to see her, they were just as surprised as you’d expect. The audience loved it. The song is in the first two minutes of the video, so don’t be intimidated by the length of the video. (via Daily Picks and Flicks)