Friday, January 28, 2022

A Guide To American Football

The Super Bowl quickly approaches, so animator Fraser Davidson made a little guide to help you understand American football as it is played by the NFL. If you're one of those who watch for the commercials and the food and since everyone else is watching, but you don't really understand the game, well, honestly this won't help a whole lot, but kit will probably make you laugh a little, and that's worth something. (via Viral Viral Videos)


  1. He forgot to mention that the game is called football for no apparent reason whatsoever, seeing as how (except for punts, kick-offs, and field goal and extra point attempts) it has always been against the rules to advance the ball by kicking it with one's foot.


  2. Spend 3 or 4 hours watching 20 minutes or less of play.

  3. I think Andy Griffith has a better explanation:

  4. Then there's this absolutely classic little piece by Thomas Hornsby Ferril entitled “Freud, Football and the Marching Virgins.”
    (you will have to scroll down a little ways before you come to it)

    I remember first coming across it in Readers' Digest, although I believe it was originally printed in Psychology Today, and the Digest picked it up from there.  Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult to find in its entirety on the web, so I suppose I will have to appoint myself as 'caretaker' or 'curator' of this piece – find its original source and copy it to my hard drive, guaranteeing that so long as I live this bit of inspired wit and satire will survive as well.

