Thursday, December 30, 2021


(via The Chive)


  1. Bet there are a lot of people scratching their heads over that one.

  2. Me for one !
    I scratch my head (amongst other things) trying to figure out if Elwood should get staff discount, bulk discount, or a trip to court to defend a theft by servant charge.
    Then I think, maybe Elwood is just such a good customer that they know him by name, in which case cut him some slack he has basically been keeping the business floating for the last 3 years.
    Me, myself and I, we all think that raising chickens in a facility that crowds them in a barn with artificial light, food from waste animals byproducts and no outside grass time is a despicable and hideous crime against nature.
    And after all, you are what you eat, so why wouldn't you eat organic, grass fed chickens, chickens that have had sunshine, grass, freedom ?
    Remember, when the aliens return to farm us, they are going to pick the ones of us that are free ranging and fed a wide smogasboard of food.
    Learn from the alien overlords - eat free range chickens, not battery ones.
    So surprised I have to mention this.
