Saturday, September 04, 2021

Tonight You Belong to Me

One of the most memorable songs in movie history is the duet between Steve Martin and Bernadette Peters in The Jerk. In this video, Ben and his four-year-old daughter recreate that duet when she couldn't sleep because of fireworks outside. She even does the harmony part! (via Daily Picks and Flicks)


  1. My brother sends me emails with photos of his grandkids.
    I send them straight back noting that I won't open them, and for him to send cat or dog pictures instead (he has neither),
    He thinks me a bit weird, ... but that I don't care much for unbaked buns, partially constructed bridges, or young humans, all of which are things not ready for consumption, I consider quite normal.
    Guess we are all a bit different.

  2. I'm curious what they were looking at? A screen with the lyrics? A video clip?
