Friday, September 17, 2021

Now THIS is a Pool Party

Combine a waterside, a slip-n-slide, and a ski jump, and you get me wanting to do this. It happened at Ohio Dreams Action Sports Camp. All this fun is enhanced by the song "Scrape the Sky" by Can't Stop Won't Stop. I'm not that far from Ohio, and I would consider even going through the misery of purchasing a swimsuit for this. (via The Chive)


  1. I believe this is actually a training facility for those people you see doing all the radical stuff in things like the X-Games and other snowboard and extreme skiing events (note how the other two ramps that are not being used have a plastic surface; if it's steep enough, you can actually ski on something like that). It takes practice to master those twisting flips, and if you come up short the water makes for a lot safer landing than the side of a ski hill.

    Once you know that you can do it 25 times out of 25 on the water ramps, then maybe you'll feel more comfortable on the snowpack, which isn't quite so forgiving.

    Back when I was 30 years or so younger, I bungee-jumped and sky-dived solo just for the heck of it.  If I was still that age, I'd do something like this in a heartbeat.


  2. I just hated the background noise ... call it music if you must.
