Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Miss Cellania's Links

12 Weird Cheetos Variants.

Frances Henshaw was a 14-year-old schoolgirl when she drew a series of maps in 1828. There were only 24 states at that time; she reproduced 19 of them -beautifully. 

5 Surprising Things That Have Cow Parts in Them.

Imagine getting a call saying you've won a Nobel Prize! Here's how that happens. (via Digg)

Advice to girls about masturbation, from 1918.

Dramatic before and after photos reveal the devastation of the Colorado floods. And they don't have much recovery time before winter sets in.

The Top Blocked Websites at Workplaces in the U.S. I once worked for a company that considered anything besides the weather forecast to be "inappropriate."

50 Books Every Parent Should Read to Their Child. If you don't have young children, you can use this as a gift guide for kids you know.

Dr. Sleep, Stephen King's sequel to The Shining, follows Danny Torrance as an adult. Read a couple of terrifying excerpts.

Horse_ebooks Is Dead. What we thought was a delightful Twitter spambot turns out to be an artist pulling our legs.


  1. The Los Angeles Unified Schools Superintendent decided that all students should have iPads. This is costing the district a fortune. They are to be used exclusively for homework, classwork, and tests. Students at Roosevelt High School took a WHOLE WEEK to hack the system so they have access to anything they want.

  2. My school district decided to use the net a couple of years ago, but they are only helping out with used gadgets for kids who don't already have an iPhone, iPod, or iPad. Or some other handheld with wifi.
