Monday, July 29, 2013

Miss Cellania's Links

What's in the Briefcase in Pulp Fiction?

Here's a great game for proud grammar Nazis and everyone else, too. How fast can you spot improper English word usage and spelling? (via b3ta)

Placing Literature is a project in which the settings for your favorite novels are mapped onto the exact locations from the books. There are 1,500 data points already mapped, and book lovers are invited to add more.  (via HuffPo Books)

35 Essential Life Lessons We Can Learn From Animals. With the properly adorable photo illustrations.

A Book Can Change Your Life.

Famous Directors’ Forgotten TV Projects. Alternately, you may have seen these and never realized who was behind them.

How Coffee Could Save Your Life. I'll drink to that -several cups every morning.

Someone Figured Out How Many Licks It Takes To Get To The Center Of A Tootsie Pop. Because science, and Tootsie Pops.

From PTSD to Prison: Why Veterans Become Criminals. And how a new program might reverse the trend.

The cruel, predictable outcome of fat-shaming. Negative comments and discrimination only make things worse.


  1. I've just returned from my second deployment on Monday. I am also a PTSD sufferer. Articles like "From PTSD to Prison" perpetuate the stereotype of the crazed veteran, and are exactly the reason that we can't get a job after our military careers are finished. The reason nearly 1 out of 10 inmates have "served" (note, the word is served, not served honorably, not deployed to war, not suffering from PTSD. Served can also mean gone to basic training and was kicked out) is that the military remains one of the few viable alternatives for getting oneself out of poverty. As long as you have a high school degree and are willing to put up with hardship, you can go into practically any career field. I'd ask that people like yourself consider the negative impact to veterans before you perpetuate this myth. Otherwise, the problem of veteran joblessness will continue, because people will think that veteran equals broken. BTW, as a PTSD sufferer, I've been to counseling and have never committed any act of violence against anyone, ever. It is treatable, manageable, and you can even continue your military career after being diagnosed with it. Oftentimes criminals will try to play the PTSD card because it is their only card left to play. Going through basic training at Ft. Jackson, SC and pulling guard duty at some godforsaken Army post does not give you PTSD.

  2. As an addendum, I'd ask that you read this article:
