Miss Cellania's Links

5 Sitcoms You Might Not Know Were Based on Real People or Events.

How We Got Hooked on Vitamins.

How can scientists act ethically when they are studying the victims of a human tragedy, such as the Romanian orphans? (via Ed Yong)

The Dangerous Job of Being a British Prince. (via the Presurfer)

5 Doctors Who Just Gave The World's Worst Medical Advice.

My Cat Has Twisty Legs, But I Don't Want to Fix Him. (via Buzzfeed)

10 Beauty And Body Care Products That Have Been Around Forever. When you have a formula people like, the only thing that changes is the packaging.

Ruby's 6th birthday was celebrated with a Star Wars party. See the pun-tastic foods and activities in case you might want to try them out yourself.

There once was a show-business fad of exhibiting pigs who could read and do math. The rubes who believed it were entertainment for those who didn't.

8 revelations from inside the Breaking Bad writers' room. Nothing about the new season, but the show's past is just as fascinating.

Life Savers

I actually remember this ad. It was just as weird back in 1966. (via Weird Vintage)

Cats Demand to be Petted

Cats operate under the assumption that it never hurts to ask for what you want. And what these cats want is a nice head scratch. (via Tastefully Offensive)

A Roundup of Sharknado Tribute Art

The SyFy original movie Sharknado is so ridiculously over-the-top that it became an overnight sensation. Its unbelievable premise is so spectacular that the film will be shown in theaters this Friday at midnight -even after being shown on TV multiple times. Meanwhile, as prepare for the annual Shark Week orgy on the Discovery Channel, the Sharknado meme still bubbles on the internet. Let's explore some of the art inspired by the preposterous Sharknado, in this list I posted at mental_floss.

The Hottest Place on Earth

Whaddaya know -while we're relying on weather stations and meteorologists to tell us how hot it is outside, NASA's Terra and Aqua satellites scan the whole planet for temperature! Using this data, MinuteEarth explains where the hottest spot on the Earth's surface is. (via Geeks Are Sexy)

Miss Cellania's Links

Die-Hard Chicken, the story of Mike the Headless Chicken.

Image, Public Perception, and Lego Librarians.

The Annual Chincoteague Pony Swim

If It Crawls, It's Canned: Eating In The Alaskan Wilderness.

A Pizza Hut restaurants in China, the onetime policy was that you got one trip to the salad bar, with one dish. Some customers took that as a challenge, and began to construct artful stacks of food to see how much they could get in one trip. 

How Geeky Are You? (via the Presurfer)

Derek Black, the Reluctant Racist, and His Exit From White Nationalism. The son of Stormfront founder Don Black had a change of heart after getting out into the real world.

22 animated extensions of live-action TV series. In the 1970s, no TV show was so short-lived or obscure that they wouldn't make a kids' cartoon series out of it.

Saltwater Taffy, the Lobster-claw Kitty, was born with radial agenesis, a condition in which the foreleg bones don't form properly. See how this adorable kitten is making progress in her foster home.

8 Odd Acts of the Vaudeville Era. Yes, people built shows around dentistry, flatulence, and driving your lion around.


Freddy Fairhair sent me this very strange video named "Tittei!" which is Norwegian for "Peekaboo!" In it, Freddy and Marten, two attractive young Norwegian men, stick their heads between the legs of people in the street -mostly nice-looking young women. Then they immediately explain they are making a YouTube video before the victim subject can make a getaway. It seems like the perfect way to pick up girls -what could possibly go wrong? Freddy Fairhair has other videos of odd pranks and how to pick up girls. Morten Hake has other videos on personal development and how to pick up girls. Let me give you a clue: picking up girls is much easier when you are a young, attractive Norwegian with a video camera. (Thanks, Freddy!)

Miss Cellania's Links

What's in the Briefcase in Pulp Fiction?

Here's a great game for proud grammar Nazis and everyone else, too. How fast can you spot improper English word usage and spelling? (via b3ta)

Placing Literature is a project in which the settings for your favorite novels are mapped onto the exact locations from the books. There are 1,500 data points already mapped, and book lovers are invited to add more.  (via HuffPo Books)

35 Essential Life Lessons We Can Learn From Animals. With the properly adorable photo illustrations.

A Book Can Change Your Life.

Famous Directors’ Forgotten TV Projects. Alternately, you may have seen these and never realized who was behind them.

How Coffee Could Save Your Life. I'll drink to that -several cups every morning.

Someone Figured Out How Many Licks It Takes To Get To The Center Of A Tootsie Pop. Because science, and Tootsie Pops.

From PTSD to Prison: Why Veterans Become Criminals. And how a new program might reverse the trend.

The cruel, predictable outcome of fat-shaming. Negative comments and discrimination only make things worse.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Pogo Remixes Mary Poppins: What I Likes

Nick Bertke celebrate his birthdays Friday by posting his latest remix, made completely from the sounds found in the 1964 Disney movie Mary Poppins. (via Viral Viral Videos)

Killing Floor

Performed by the Samantha Fish Band. (via Everlasting Blort)


D.O.A. is a 1950 film noir about a man who must solve his own murder.

Miss Cellania's Links

65 Cosplay Pictures From San Diego Comic Con 2013.

6 Ways to Beat the Heat Without Air Conditioning. None of which actually work.

Obama and Congress can tinker with the economy all they want, but what we really need are decent wages for workers.

Time-Lapse Of The North Pole Melting Is A Beautiful Sign Of Our Impending Doom. When that ice cap is all gone, its goodbye polar bears and coastal cities.

The Weirdest Typewriters You’ve Ever Seen. A lot of different designed were tried out before we got stuck with QWERTY.

The Simpsons Co-Creator Sam Simon Is Donating His Entire Fortune To Charity. He hopes to give it all away before he dies of cancer.

A doctor and a visionary discuss the possibilities of stopping the aging process. One believes that it's possible to live to 150 years old -or even longer.

The beauty of George H.W. Bush's shaved head. Don't miss the picture of 27 bald men and one little boy.

Not a Good Moooove

Trampolines were not designed for this. (via Fark)

The Landfill Harmonic Orchestra

Don't have money for a musical instrument? These students in Paraguay made their own -out of trash! (via reddit)

8 Wonderfully Creative Crochet Projects

If you can dream it, someone can crochet it. It's a bit like 3D printing in that way, but the skill, creativity, and care that went into these crochet works of art make them so much different from anything molded in plastic. I hope you like the projects I posted at mental_floss as much as I do!

Tumbleweed Tango

Here's the topic for your cartoon short: balloon dogs in a cactus patch. Yes, it's as delightful as it sounds. (via the Presurfer)

Miss Cellania's Links

10 Missing Treasures You Should Really Be Looking For!

The Town Crier Was The Best Part Of The Royal Birth.

How Credit Card Numbers Work. (Thanks, Nick!)

Silicon Valley Then and Now. And what caused it to change so much.

Banksy Vs. Robbo. A war played out on one wall.

The newborn future King of England is named George. He joins a list of six previous King Georges, each one quite colorful in his own way.

And now a quick comparison of Star Wars and Game of Thrones. Contains spoilers, which you should already know about Star Wars, at least.

Whatever happened to Monica Lewinsky? Now 40 years old, she's realized the value of privacy.

What it's like to do voiceovers for porn. Someone's gotta do it, as described in a SFW video.

The real story behind The Conjuring and four other horror movies 'based on a true story.' You don't have to believe them, all that matters is whether you buy a ticket.

Beijing Subway

Morning rush hour in Beijing. Good luck getting off the train at your stop, because you might get pushed back in! (via reddit)

Animals Being Awesome

Animals can learn to do anything! But I still wouldn't issue a dog a driver's license… (via Uproxx)

Miss Cellania's Links

Stock Market Behavior Predicted by Rat Neurons.

Here’s 75 Minutes Of CNN’s Non-Stop Royal Baby Coverage Condensed To 40 Seconds And Set To Yakety Sax.

In 1994, a fairly new software company called Netscape set up a live webcam, trained on its fish tank. That webcam is still going, 19 years later. (via Geekologie)

The Evolution of American Barbecue

Women Make Men More Generous.

My internet friend Scooter Mengele does digital restoration of old photographs. Check out his work!

Kate Middleton probably spent less on childbirth than the average American woman. A normal delivery in the U.S. costs more than anywhere else in the world, especially if you have no insurance.

A Woman And Her Father Share The World’s Most Touching Wedding Dance. It was created for him to experience before he dies of cancer.

Ten Of Television’s Finest Examples Of Chekhov’s Gun. Another reason to pay attention to details instead of working while your favorite show is on.

Striking Portraits of Superheroes Reveal Their Inner Identities. Graphic designer Khoa Ho's minimalist illustrations show the fictional niche each one fits into.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Is This What Happens to Bad Kitties?

Four cats investigate an addition to their home -a stuffed bobcat. There's a dog, too, but he stays way back in the distance, just in case. (via Daily Picks and Flicks)

A Photobombed Proposal: the Meteoric Rise of InTheWay Guy

Some internet memes arise so fast and so strong that they burn out quickly. Here's the story of one that exploded just this morning on reddit, and only time will tell how long it lasts. It starts with a proposal no one who's seen it will ever forget. See what I mean in an article I posted at mental_floss.

If We Could See Inside Others' Hearts

Everyone has their own story, their own joys, fears, and worries. If we could see what they are carrying around, would we treat them differently? The Cleveland Clinic produced this video and presented it to the staff. It was picked up by the Everyone Matters campaign.  (via the Presurfer)

Miss Cellania's Links

Public-Access Cable: Anyone's A Star.

How the Hexagonal Honeycomb Happens. (via Not Exactly Rocket Science)

The Time Obama Was Mistaken for a Waiter at a Tina Brown Book Party.

Homemade Barbie Home, by 11- and 12-year-old sisters. There are 61 pictures, all showing handcrafts that show imagination, resourcefulness, and care. (via Nag on the Lake)   

Your chances of escaping poverty differ quite a bit by what region of the United States you live in. (via Metafilter)

The funniest internet reactions to the birth of the Prince of Cambridge. From the indications of thrown bones, his name might well be Simba.

Walter White had a gun pointed in his face in every season of Breaking Bad. A stunning pictorial of how he reacted to each occasion shows how far the character has evolved in the series.

The YouTube channel Pronunciation Book has changed into an ominous and unsettling mystery machine. Each day it counts down to -something no one yet knows.

The AV Club's Pop Pilgrims make a pilgrimage to the locations where The Room was filmed. There's nothing like feeling closer to the worst movie ever made.

According to a new study, 23 and 69 Are the Happiest Ages. Might that be happiness at being done with school and being done with work?

Nada's Story

Eleven-year-old Nada Al-Ahdal lives in Yemen. Nada was raised by an uncle, and didn't even see her parents for  years until she was of an age that men were willing to pay for her hand in marriage. She ran away from her parents' home when she found out she was contracted to be married. Rather than face kidnapping charges, the uncle went to the Ministry of the Interior’s family protection department. After an investigation, the parents relinquished Nada to her uncle's care. In this video, Nada vents her feelings about what she went through, and asks for the world to consider other girls in the same situation. Read more here.  (via The Daily Dot)

Miss Cellania's Links

Just Add Milk: How Cereal Transformed American Culture.

How to lie.

Saving the Little Penguins of Phillip Island. (via Ed Yong)

Have you ever thought you'd like to take part in a race, but you just can't seem to tear yourself away from the computer? Try the 100-meter scroll! (via b3ta)

Get a clue, McDonald’s: The other insult no one’s talking about. No one know the value of a dollar more than someone who doesn't have many.

HBO brought a video to Comic Coon that memorialized all the people killed (so far) in the series Game of Thrones. What makes it most entertaining is the Boyz II Men soundtrack.

Hollywood’s All-Time Most Memorable Meltdowns. Watching them is almost cathartic, because we've all felt that angry and frustrated at least once in our lives.

105 Characters On The Simpsons Are Voiced By 6 Different Actors. Hank Azaria and Dan Castellaneta each do dozens of them.

The Wyatt Earp Myth: America’s Most Famous Vigilante Wasn’t. His legend was mostly the product of heavy-duty public relations.

Ice Cream or Not Ice Cream? A frozen treat by any other name might taste just as sweet.