Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Miss Cellania's Links

Waste Not Want Not: Appendix Transplantation.

In the midst of unrest in the Middle East, millions tuned in to see who won the competition on Arab Idol. Mohammed Assaf, the Palestinian wedding singer who was crowned the winner is an advocate of nonviolence and now a sudden global star.

The Underrated Brilliance of Nora Ephron’s Meta-Romantic Comedy Sleepless in Seattle. Twenty years later, it looks to be "perhaps the last great American romantic comedy."

Graffiti done right can be a beautiful thing. See 50 examples of street art that should never be covered over.

Snapshots of Nurses During the Korean War.  (via the Presurfer)

You'll need some proper Breaking Bad beer for the AMC TV show's final season! Marble Brewery of Albuquerque will soon unveil a new brew called Heisenberg's Dark, an India Black Ale specially brewed for the show and its fans.

The most active guinea pig on Twitter is always out doing stuff you wouldn't expect a guinea pig to do. Luckily, we have photographic evidence.

Why Tipping Should Be Outlawed.

Most of What I Know about Writing, I Learned from Kurt Vonnegut. An author breaks down what made Vonnegut's works so unique and appealing.

Why most Americans hate their jobs (or are just 'checked out'). You already know the reasons, but now you can feel like you're not the only one who'd rather be doing something else.

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