Monday, May 27, 2013

Miss Cellania's Links

This will be the last links list for a while. I am on vacation, and probably far away as you read this. There will still be videos, funny pictures, and the occasional joke here at Miss Cellania until I get back, because I've worked my butt off to pre-schedule some good stuff for you. But It may get a bit thin, as I will be gone until about Fathers Day. It's my first vacation road trip in years, so the family is making a big long deal about it. Several thousand miles in a pickup truck with two teenagers (yay). Still, I am having a good time and will let you know how it went when I return. Meanwhile, here's a few links.

Embarrassing Moments in Engineering (and What They've Taught Us).

The Scandalous History of Arlington National Cemetery.

The Heroes and Helpers of the Oklahoma Tornado.

The dark side of reddit's GoneWild.

Illustrated Recipe: Artwork Inspired by Marie-Antoine Careme's Extravagant Food.

More Biopic Actors and their Real Life Counterparts. 

The Girl Who Turned to Bone. (via The Loom)


  1. Enjoy your vacation; we'll all be here when you get back

  2. Have a great time, Miss C! We love you!

  3. Enjoy your time soaking up the AFK. And if you don't see this until your return, I hope you enjoyed your time soaking up the AFK.

  4. Well-deserved. Thanks for a great blog.
