Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Miss Cellania's Links

Don't Eat That, John! The French Toast Reuben Nutella Elvis Sandwich.

Ben Marks of Collector's Weekly talked with Francis Boyd, who makes and repairs swords and teaches his craft to others. His shop has swords that are thousands of years old, and each has a story to tell -not necessarily a good story. 

What Is the Most Bizarre Job Interview You Have Ever Been Party To? It would have to be pretty weird to top this story. (via Fark)

The Oligopoly Problem. When just a few companies run an industry, it's as bad as a monopoly, only they get away with it. (via Boing Boing)

How about a supercut of one-liners from Tyrion Lannister? You don't have to be a Game of Thrones fan to appreciate the wittiest character of the series. Very much NSFW.

6 Spectacular Resignation Cakes. Not all of them say it as nicely as the one pictured.

Rat-Sized Snails Are Invading Florida. After they kill all the grass, they can eat stucco off the houses.

The Ethics of Disaster Photography in the Age of Social Media. When everyone's got a camera, the best and worst will all go online quickly.

Adam Scott, the Australian golfer, won the Masters Tournament, while Adam Scott, the TV actor, didn't. And he's not happy about it.

Marathon runners are a tough, tight-knit, and resilient bunch. An act of terrorism will not stop them from running or racing.


  1. Amble for your lives! The snails are coming!

  2. My sister posted her recipe for her yummy nutella cream pie
