Thursday, February 14, 2013

Miss Cellania's Links

Heart Shaped Meals for Valentines Day. That is, if you really want to make your romantic dinner into an unambiguous message.

This is your brain in love. Sure, it can be boiled down to a chemical reaction and a learning experience, but it sure feels good!

Can Shakespeare Help You Score This Valentine's Day? Brush up on what the Bard wrote about sex -there's plenty of it!

If all this Valentine's Day sentiment is making you feel lonely, might as well run with it. Here are some internet pictures, songs, and videos to help you wallow in your sorrow.

Script an Astronomer, Then Reach for the Stars.

A $9 minimum wage can be only a good thing in the long run. After all, those making such wages are the ones who are spending money in a poor economy.

Behind the Scenes at the 2013 Westminster Dog Show. See how the pups get primped and posed for posterity.

19 Things You Might Not Know About Fleetwood Mac. Featuring rare musical clips of familiar tunes.

Feminism is not a dirty word. Belief in the innate equality of human beings is something to be proud of. (via Metafilter)


  1. Feminism IS a dirty word!

  2. You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
