Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Miss Cellania's Links

A Phylogeny and Evolutionary History of the Pokémon.

With quite a few states offering petitions to secede from the union, the question arises on how strong the states would be was individual nations. What if they all seceded and then declared war on each other?  (via Jason Kottke)

7 Neatest Gifts for Photographers.

Munchausen by Internet. Much more common than you might think. (via Fark)

A Field Guide to Tech Facial Hair.

The Great Beaver Drop.

The Empire State Building has a new LED light system. They inaugurated it with a light show set to music by Alicia Keys.

Sexism in the video game industry? Call me shocked, but it's sparked a serious conversation open to all on Twitter.

Why Countries Can’t Agree On Climate Regulation. Now, don't walk away, it's explained in a cute Scandinavian animation.

Children stuck with internet-inspired baby names. Every one of them could be obsolete and hard to explain by the time they're in high school.

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