Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Miss Cellania's Links

Integrated Pest Management of Manifestations as Infestations. Or, pest control for angels.

This Is How George Lucas Should've Used Samuel L. Jackson. You better believe it's full of NSFW language.

A classic: The Incompatible Food Triad. Maybe you can solve this. 

The 10 Worst U.S. Cities for Traffic. Drivers lose a lot of time sitting in traffic jams, but it might be worth it in Honolulu.

Find out happened to 70 finalists from American Idol. Many are still singing, but a shocking number are working in restaurants.

How does one "discover" a new cut of steak? Oklahoma State University isn't telling, because they want to patent it.

Where NASA left off, private enterprise steps in. SpaceX Dragon successfully launched Tuesday morning, the first private spacecraft to travel to the ISS.

Addison Kleinhans and Bella Hicks are children battling cancer together. And they swear they'll be best friends forever.

12 Amazing Notes Confiscated By A Middle School Teacher Over The Years. Gems like these will only exist in digital texting form in the future.

Who's to blame for Facebook's stock debacle? Shares were initially offered at $38 Friday, but then slid to $31, for a variety of reasons.


  1. Traffic Jam typo alert... Either New York @ 57 minutes lost is actually #2 on the list or it's a typo that should read 47 minutes lost.

  2. "I am...irretrievably lost in a dark maze, a pitch dark maze with the Minotaur of Bafflement hunting me down. I shall not escape him, I shall not escape my doom. No, good sir, instead I fall - far and away, even from myself I fall until I slam forcefully into the cold steel floor of my own mind, crippled and alone, dead to all sensation."

    While this list was great, going to the food triad site and reading the above comment was likely the highlight of my day.

