Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Miss Cellania's Links

Why Disco Died. Nothing to do with Robin Gibb and Donna Summer, but it is the history of disco part two.

5 Nazi Plans That Prove They Were Dumber Than You Think. As much chaos and grief as Adolph Hitler gave Europe, his aspirations were much, much worse.

Electron Band Structure In Germanium, My Ass.

Is your alma mater on the list of America's 1,000 best high schools? That's okay, mine wasn't, either.

The government of Kiev, Ukraine, is placing their bets on a telepathic pig to predict the outcome of European championship soccer matches. Or it could be a publicity stunt, you never know.

Hugh Jackman interviews for a teacher's job at Harlem Village Academies, because teachers are the real superstars. I'd hire him, wouldn't you?

The 18 Best Ideas People On The Internet Have Ever Had. This food for thought should last you five minutes and three "I should've thought of that"s.

The hype machine blared loudly about the film Battleship, then suddenly went silent. Turns out that relatively few paid to see the film on its opening weekend.

Staff Sergeant Nick B. found an abused puppy in Afghanistan, and moved mountains to get Bodhi sent to the U.S. They were reunited over the weekend in Florida.


  1. The number 1 school, Gatton Academy in Bowling Green, KY, isn't your average public high school - it is actually part of Western Kentucky University. It has very high average test scores because it requires high test scores to be admitted - they only accept 50 students each year.

  2. That black tooth is killing me!

  3. Relax, it's Photoshop, or actually some other, cheaper image manipulation software. Or a Sharpie, I don't remember. But I have all my teeth!

  4. Yes. Number 430. I wonder how it ranked in 1975?
