Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Miss Cellania's Links

35 Great Costumes From WonderCon.

An index of recipes for restaurant dishes and grocery store products you can make at home -if you want to.

Dick Cheney, at age 71, received a heart transplant over the weekend. He broke no laws to get it, but being wealthy and famous didn't hurt.

7 Positive Effects of Your Horrible Lifestyle.

The BioShock feature film is nowhere, and may never be made, but fan films just get better and better. BioShock: New Year’s End by Jared Potter is a case in point.

Parents who stormed the field in previous years is the cited reason that the Colorado Springs Easter Egg Hunt is cancelled this year. Mom, Dad, this is why we can't have nice things.

If you're good at it, you can create music anywhere, anytime. Nicki Bluhm and the Gramblers perform a Hall and Oates cover while riding in a van.

Exploring the Glittering Crystal Caves of Mlynki. This cave system in the Ukraine sports gypsum crystals of various colors, all hidden underground.

Rodney Conradi and Lynse Rainford, both cancer patients, got married in a hospital just weeks before Rodney died. The 21-year-old kept saying the wedding was the best day of his life.

Bicycle Parkour is Extremely Difficult. I wonder how many bones Andrew Dickey broke learning to do this (vertigo warning).

When Billboards Go Rogue. Street artists or vandals (call them whichever you prefer) change the intended meaning of advertising in clever ways.


  1. Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 2 post on Mar. 27, 2012. Thanks again.

  2. Sorry, I don't have a spam comment, but I was thinking about that heart transplant. Don't you usually have to have a heart to replace before you can have one transplanted into you?

  3. re:
    Rodney Conradi and Lynse Rainford

    This is another beautiful tale:


  4. Thanks, Anonymous! That was a lovely story.
