Monday, March 26, 2012

Miss Cellania's Links

How to Write Like a Scientist. Twelve tips will help you construct papers that no one will read, except other scientists.

After years of preparation, filmmaker James Cameron has accomplished his goal of descending to Challenger Deep, the lowest known point on Earth, a depth of 35,756 feet into the Marianna Trench.

The Gallery of Default Anonymity.

A nine-year-old girl got a new wardrobe in her room. She also got the lion and the witch to go with it!

Only once did the U.S. government forcibly expel citizens based on their religion. Ulysses S. Grant spent the rest of his life making up for his actions.

Science Says Creativity And Dishonesty Go Hand In Hand. Are creatives people less moral, Less, inhibited, or are they just more talented in stretching the truth for their own benefit?

After being cooped up inside all winter, a herd of cows is turned out to the springtime pasture. They literally jump and dance with joy!

A 90-page novel Kurt Vonnegut wrote in the 1950s has been discovered and released as an Kindle selection. Basic Training is about a young man who wants to do the right thing but is confounded by his uncle's military training.

Pakistan's escalating 'honor killing' problem. Local authorities tend to sweep cases under the rug, so it's probably worse than we know.

The Bizarre History of White House Pets. Gators and hippos and possums, oh my!

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