Thursday, March 29, 2012

I didn’t bring the library book back because...

-I left it in my truck and my truck was in an accident and got towed to the garage and I won't be able to get to the garage in Abbotsford until this weekend.

-my mother took it camping and lost it.

-I didn't take it out!

-my cat peed on it and it smells too bad.

-it flew out the car window on the 401 Freeway and was devoured by an 18 wheeler!
Got any other good ones?


  1. Well, the best one was actually when a TEACHER lent the student a book she'd borrowed from us, and the student was delinquent in returning it to us because she'd missplaced it.

    It *finally* arrived back after several weeks delayed - and quite mangled, due to - according to the student - the book being 'slept with'!

  2. Was time traveling - returned it before I checked it out...check the shelf! Does that mean the library owes me money?
