Saturday, November 21, 2020

We Love xkcd

You may remember the Discovery Channel's very popular jingle I Love the World. Randall Munroe of xkcd was inspired and did his own version featuring memes from his webcomic. Then Elaine Doyle and Olga Nunes produced a video that recreates xkcd's comic using the original tune, featuring a cast of prominent and not-so-prominent bloggers.

Neil Gaiman, Wil Wheaton, Cory Doctorow, Lawrence Lessig, Bruce Schneier, Jason Kottke, Google Zurich, Hank Green, MC Frontalot, Patrick & Teresa Nielsen Hayden, Mr. Toast, Miss Cellania, Team Genius, Phil Plait, Allan Amato, Maddy Gaiman, Charissa Gilreath, Belinda Casas, Chuck Martinez, Jeremy James, Joanna Gaunder, Lee Israel & Octavio Coleman Esq. of The Jejune Institute

I am honored to be in such august company. You'll find a complete listing of who's who line by line at Olga's site.

Reposted from February of 2010 just because I wanted to.


  1. Yay for Miss C! You actually are an Internet landmark. :)

  2. 'Bout time they acknowledged your star.

  3. << Reposted from February of 2010 just because I wanted to. >>
    And we're glad you did!

    Boom-de-yadda, boom-de-yadda...
