Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Link for Fun

A construction crew deals with a runaway concrete buffing machine. Needs more Yakety Sax.

Here's a look at Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Slayer. OK, it's a poster, but it's a striking poster that would look good in your office.

A photo shoot for a couple's engagement in Brooklyn is a keeper. The bride, the groom, the ninja assault, and his comeuppance all turned out nicely.

If you're out past curfew, you might be able to sneak in your house through the chimney. But unless you are Santa Claus, you might get stuck and have to be rescued.

A construction crew deals with a runaway concrete buffing machine. Needs more Yakety Sax.

Here's a look at Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Slayer. OK, it's a poster, but it's a striking poster that would look good in your office.
A dash-cam recording from a trip down an icy road in Russia should remind you to drive slowly and cautiously in bad conditions. It just might also give you the willies.

Wanna play some pinball? Wanna play some pinball on the front of a building? We can do that now!

The 29-second wait to see what this cat will do is totally worth it. Trust me.

The Absolute Very Worst Movies Of 2011! A list that was really difficult to compile as there were so many contenders.

Did I tell you about the night a camel interrupted a news interview in Turkey? That's just the first of several stories of camel shenanigans.

Do you know how Santa Claus keeps up with all the good girls and boys in this modern age? He has a personal assistant named Siri.

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