Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Informative Reads

A new study says Stonehenge was a cemetery hundred of years before the stones were erected. 5,000 years later, it’s still the fanciest graveyard ever.

2012: The Year The Internet Ends.

How to dice an onion. If you have a big sharp knife and a nice cutting board.

50 Mostly Immature and Hurtful Ways to Leave Your Lover.

It’s Not So Easy Being Less Rich. Those who have more risk losing more, therefore those of us with nothing can feel better about the possibility of losing it all.

In the '50s, disabled children often disappeared into state institutions. One family tracked their son down almost fifty years later.

What Does It Mean to Be Human? A panel of scientists give their answers, and commenters have lots more.

While U.S. cities are hot spots for global warming, people living in them turn out to be greener than their country cousins. Here are the top and bottom ten cities.

Why Are Senior Female Scientists So Heavily Outnumbered by Men?

A teacher answered her students questions about sex and was suspended from her job. Parents want blood. The world is crazy.


  1. The how to dice an onion link goes to the Stonehenge site.

  2. Thanks for the heads up! Fixed now.
