Saturday, April 14, 2007

Weekend Links

The winners of the BOB Awards have been announced. Congratulations to Monty for winning Best Podcast and NYC Educator for winning Best Educational/Homeschooling Blog! Konagod came in second for Best GLBT Blog, and Omegamom came in third for Best Infertility/Adoption Blog. Way to go!

It took less than 12 hours for this to show up on eBay.

Try this vision test. I got up to about level 4, then realized how much time I was wasting (it's fun). Several items I still don’t understand, but found the answers by process of elimination. (via Dump Trumpet)

The 15 Strangest Coincidences in World History.

Group Art is a grafitti-painting application. (via Innings)

So, a PC user, a Mac user, and a Linux user walk into a bar...

Michael Jackson’s robot designs.

Disco Hitler!

Poor Marcus does King of the Cul-de-Sac.

When did America become a nation of frightened wimps?

Display an anti-Bush bumper-sticker, get ejected from public events.

If this guy can get banned from flying, anyone can! "Have you been in any peace marches? We ban a lot of people from flying because of that." (via Exploding Aardvark)

An excerpt from Lee Iococca’s new book Where Have All the Leaders Gone?

At Miss Cellania, you can read posts on Diets and Mars and Venus.


  1. Thank you so much!! xoxoxoxo

    I read those other Funniest Blogs that were nominated, and I totally thought you'd sweep that category.
    :( I even voted for you instead of me. :D

  2. This is Bill, author of "The Rerack"- the beer pong webcomic with the PC/Mac/Linux joke.

    I'm glad you included me on your site! Please, continue to read and enjoy! Although today's strip may not make too much sense if you're not from Buffalo...
