Thursday, April 26, 2007

Recommended 4/26

Wiigobot, a Lego robot that plays Wii. Does life get any nerdier than that?

Cute Little Cthulhu.

Looking for my Leopard. (Thanks, Bill!)

The best short films I can recall from Night Flight.

There may be as few as 25 Borneo rhinos left in the world, making it one of the world's rarest animal species. The first still photograph of a Borneo rhino was taken only last year. Now, a World Wildlife Foundation project has captured the first video footage of the Borneo rhino. (via Arbroath)

Strong Bad tries to ruin a date.

How high your ceiling is may affect how you think! (Thanks, Ed!)

Extreme Hotels.


Another 500 LOLcats at Meme Cats.

Photos of the president’s celebration of Anti-Malaria Day.

Creating a fascist country in ten easy steps.

Arresting People Who Have Committed No Crimes.

What’s happened to our big Homeland Security budget?

If you’re in the NYC area and want to participate in an Impeach Bush demonstration Saturday, get the details here. (Thanks, Jan!)

At Miss Cellania, you might enjoy posts on Teachers, Weddings, or Georgia.

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