Tuesday, January 31, 2006

January's Best Links

Time to straighten up the attic! Once a month, I gather the best links and put them in one post. "Best" is a subjective word, for this purpose meaning links that either got a lot of response or else I just want them here so I can find them again easily. That's about an exercise in futility at this point; I can't even access my own archives! So you can imagine this post was NOT easy to put together. Up til now, I put the "best of" on the first of the month. But after an attack of common sense, I've decided it will be posted the last day of each month. The way archives are laid out, the "best of" post will now be on top, and that's a good place to put an index.


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  4. Have you seen any information on as seen on tv and scrapbooking? I just have not had the best results when blog surfing today. Anywho back to my endless search for as seen on tv and scrapbooking.
