Saturday, January 07, 2006


Sometimes what you see ain’t what you see. Sometimes what you see can make you think you’re crazy. Sometimes what you think you see is designed for just that purpose. Who are you gonna believe, me or your lyin’ eyes? If you see something you like here, you might want to tell your friends about it.

This little dragon is made of folded paper, but his eyes stay on you as you move around the room. Watch the (somewhat creepy) video and see what I mean! Then you can make your own. Everyone I sent this to said they want one!

The famous revolving green dot.

Mr Angry and Mr. Calm.

Talent show entrant who makes you see things you aren’t really seeing. I've posted this before, but it fits with this theme so well, ayone who hasn't seen it deserves another chance.

LOTS more illusions. Before you click on a thumbnail here, check to see if its an ad.

Site FULL of illusions.

BLOG of illusions.

Recursive portrait.

I don’t know if these qualify as illusions or not, but there are links to a lot of weird lookin stuff at It Hurts. Not safe for visual-trigger epileptics.

The Zoomquilt Art Project is just so pretty, I think I’ll put it here. It will suck you in.

This kaleidoscope is not an illusion per se, but awful fun to look at. Enter a URL and it will spin the images it finds. I entered Miss Cellania, and got lots of Dubya spinning around!


No, these pictures aren't moving. I don't even know how to post moving pictures. Its all in your head!

The lines are parallel.


A cruise ship hired a magician to entertain the passengers. Since the passengers changed every four or five days, the magician was able to perform the same tricks over and over.

Unfortunately, the Captain of the ship had a parrot who sat around and watched the magician perform his tricks, over and over. Eventually, the parrot learned how the tricks were done and would interrupt the act.

"It's in his sleeve" the parrot would say. "He switched balls." "It's in his pocket." Etc., etc. Naturally, the magician was quite disturbed by the parrot but could do nothing about it, since it belonged to the Captain.

Unfortunately, the cruise ship had the misfortune of hitting an iceberg and sank to the bottom of the sea in a matter of minutes. As fate would have it, the magician and the parrot managed to grab hold of the same floating piece of furniture. For 3 days, neither said anything. The magician stared at the parrot and the parrot stared back. Finally, on the 4th day, the parrot cracked and said:

"OK, I give up, where on Earth did you put the ship?"

Thought for today: To define recursion, we must first define recursion.


  1. To let you know I voted for you as best 'Funny blog' in the Bloggies. Thank you for all the links to me.

  2. Mmm... I'll have to go get my bifocals to be sure. My eyes are getting worse every day!

  3. You're blowing my mind Miss Cellania! If I had these to look at in the 1970's, I would still be sitting there...

    I particularly enjoyed the url kaleidoscope. Weird.
