Sunday, December 11, 2005


Presenting a little something to give you a reason to stop by and look, while I am busy ferrying my kids to various Christmas activities this weekend. And there is blood drive today I MUST get to, since my job interferes with most bloodmobile visits. Blood donations are down during the holidays, and its important that we all donate when we can. Look for an opportunity near you, please!

More "oops" moments here.

Thought for today: Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.


  1. Snopes night on Miss Cellania

    If your crane pictures loaded all the way, they would look like what you see when you follow the snopes link.
    Claim: Photographs show a series of cranes falling into water while attempting to retrieve an automobile.

    Status: Multiple:
    Photographs show a crane tipping and falling into water while trying to retrieve a submerged automobile: True.

    Photograph shows a second crane tipping and falling into water while trying to retrieve the first crane: False.

  2. So thats why I never loaded that last picture. Actually, I never even had the last picture! It does look too odd to be true. The real story is weird enough!
